Monday, February 11

Gainfully Employed Again

Making money again...I'll soon be making money again... ;-)

Sunday, February 10

Recently Finished Book Archive

Re-thinking Thin: The New Science of Weight Loss and the Myths and Realities of Dieting--Gina Kolata (I'm not really into dieting, despite the fact that I am truly overweight. This book was a hard read for me because it did a fabulous job refuting several myths that I was hoping were truths (i.e. if I dieted, I would suddenly be able to maintain thinness (90% or more people can't--no matter how hard they try), that body weight has nothing to do with my genetic makeup (70% of your 'normal' weight can be attributed to genetics), and that formerly fat people are actually healthier than fat people (only true if they are formerly fat exercise gurus). It's a pretty bleak look on obesity, but I'm glad I read it. 2/10)

The God of Animals-- Aryn Kyle (I never really went through the horse phase lots of pre-teen girls seem to have. Maybe I missed out, because if I had read this book back then I think I would have been horse crazy for the rest of my life. It was a pretty safe plot, but I liked it. 2/7)

Winds of Marble Arch and Others-- Connie Willis (Connie Willis is probably my favorite scifi/fantasy writer--her stories rarely fail to disappointment me. She writes humanity-- so stinkin well it blows me away some time. Her prose still is pretty spare, not really illustrastive, but her characters are dense and her plots can be amazing. Good Stuff! 2/5)

The Amber Spyglass -- Philip Pullman (Yup. Purchased and finished the whole series. Didn't really get into the whole 'theology' part of it, but maybe I'll pay more attention to it when/if I decide to read them again. 1/19)

Friday, February 8

I Know They Are Gross

But somehow they ended up in my belly again...

Darn you Retardo! Darn you for bringing these into our home!