Friday, May 30

Recently Completed Book Archive

So I updated my Book Reading Sidebar...and Accidentally deleted the older books notes I'd normally paste Right Here....

Here's what I remember: I really liked Junot Diaz' The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and (ofcourse) Ray Bradbuy's Dandelion Wine. I finished but didn't really care about The Sun and The Moon by Vonda someone or other....and I know there were at least three others on the list...but...If I can remember them I'll update this later...

Monday, May 12

Feet Huuuurt!


So I wore heels tonight for the first time in almost six months. BOoooooOooooOooooO! I remember now why I love maryjanes So Much!

But it was for a good reason--my work had a party cuz we did something awesome politically, and even though I didn't know anyone there but for the staff (cuz I'm a temp, duh) it was still great. I made three big cheese platters and organized all the other food and found the place (best chocolate factory in the world! yes! whoo-hoo!) and at one point on of our major donors asked me for a card for "my catering company" hahaha! Oh little old lady, if you only knew. ;-)

It felt good though--to pull something off so well and be recognized for it. More than one staff member and even a couple board members came up to me to ask me what I would need to consider staying on after next month. Answer = 10 more hours a week and benefits. Which would make it pretty much the most perfect job ever. ;-)

So, yeah, it was a good evening, even tho my feet Aaaeche!

Sunday, May 11

Happy Momma's Day!

To Momma's everywhere...but especially
to the one I bought this gift for and
the mommas who will receive the kits.

Thursday, May 8


hooray for me! attended my first belly dancing class in um...three years? Opps. Still! If I can make it next week I get to reward myself with a new one of these! LAlllllaaaalalla!

Saturday, May 3

How I Spent My Gov'mnt Money

So I got my gov'mnt money today, and I know exactly how I'm going to spend it. Local fruits and veggies, delivered straight to my very own front porch. Alleluia, Halleleulay.