The Seven Dials Mystery - Agatha Christie (I think the best part of this Christie mystery are all the fabulous nicknames--a girl named Socks who overuses the word 'subtle', one of the main heroines is nicknamed Bundle, and a distinguished member of the Foreign Service is called, with a distinct lack of affection, Codders.) 11/20
Murder at the Vicarage - Agatha Christie (I could do worse in my life than become Miss Marple, I think. She knits, she spys on her neighbors, and she solves murders. Pretty awesome, though I think if I saw as much of Human Nature as she does I'd be sad all the time. I absolutely loved the characterizations from the first couple of chapters--Lettice and her drifting ways, Griselda and her quickness.) 11/14
All Clear - Connie Willis (Oh, just lovely. I adore Connie Willis' books...immediately after finishing this I ordered the Kindle version of Blackout and All Clear so I could re-read them both together.) 10/21
29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life - Cami Walker (It makes me feel like an awful person to say so, but her story and how she told it made me less likely to want to try the whole point of the book (give 29 gifts in 29 days). Also, it didn't really seem like it embodied the spirit of giving at all--too much focus on the personal rewards of giving rather than on the giving itself. I did like the book though, and maybe I'll try it.) 10/5