Saturday, June 28

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my biiiiiike!

Today I officially joined the ranks of the bicycle riding masses! Such a cute bike! Mine, all Mine!

Thursday, June 26

First Pair of Socks!

Hoorray for Cute Little Feet!

Thursday, June 19

Looks Like It's Almost Summer!

So we've been having summer every few weeks here, an apt metaphor for my moods lately. But I think both the weather in the sky and the weather in me is getting better. I woke up this morning to discover that a) I had lost five-ish pounds (yay!) b) that my MaddyCat still loves me--she came to purr on me despite the fact that she is Very Cranky about her home being invaded by kitten and c) that our baby kitten Artie will come to the sound of my voice and wait for me to pick him up. And that's the short list! There's more! We're going camping this weekend and I get to play in the woods and sleep next to my sweetie for the first time in a week (he's been sleeping with the Artie in the little bedroom). And two weeks from now we're (hopefully) going to Montana. Yay!

It has been a stressful month though--my job should be ending before we go to MT and I don't have a new one lined up yet...and I haven't applied to school for the Fall yet. So I'm poor, directionless, and have an uncertain future. But I gots a nice home and sweetboy, and two babycats, and good friends and family. So things will work out, I know, cuz I've got my fingers crossed. :-)

Wednesday, June 18

Recently Completed Book Archive

The Year of Living Biblically--A.J. Jacobs (This was an awesome book, and I definately recommend it for almost everyone I know...It's a great exploration of [primarily] the Old Testament by a secular OCD guy who writes for Esquire. Good Stuff, and I will definately be adding his other book [about reading the entire Encylopedia Brittanica] to my library list 6/18)

Dragon Rider--Cornelia Funke, audiobook (This got me through the better part of the blue sweater I'm knitting, three frogged versions of the Smock-A-Ruche scarf, and lots of doodles. Cornelia Funke is definately one of the best 'kids' writers out there, in my opinion, though I wouldn't give most of her stuff to the under age 10 group. I thought this was not -quite- as good as the InkHeart series, but it's still fabulous. 6/14)

The World without Us--Alan Weisman (I really, really, really wish I had started to read this book before it was due back at the library. I started it the day before it was due...and ended up having to pay a couple dollars to even get the first chapter read. But it's an awesome book, so I'm sure I'll come back to it someday to finish it. 6/1)

Monday, June 16

Welcome Home Artie!

So far we've taken to calling him R2D3 (thanks Dad), AreToo, Arthur, Artemis, Martie, Monster, and BabyCat....Some of these nicknames may not stick, and some (like R2D3) I think he'll be saddled with for life...

He is little and cute and has a fat round belly! His birthday is May 7th, so he is young to be leaving his Mama, but she was Finished with Artie and his 3 brothers and refused to nurse anymore or let them cuddle against her, so we were asked to bring him home early yesterday.

He's bonded very well to Retardo--they sleep together, and he likes the sound of Retardo's voice. Retardo has never been around little kittens, so the photos are getting plentiful. MadelineRotten has not bonded with him yet. We're trying to limit exposure until she gets over needing to hiss at him all the time, but we want her to get used to him and accept him as part of her family. So far nothing too drastic has happened between her and Artie, though I'm glad that we refreshed Rotten's clawcovers on Sunday before he came home.