So we've been having summer every few weeks here, an apt metaphor for my moods lately. But I think both the weather in the sky and the weather in me is getting better. I woke up this morning to discover that a) I had lost five-ish pounds (yay!) b) that my MaddyCat still loves me--she came to purr on me despite the fact that she is Very Cranky about her home being invaded by kitten and c) that our baby kitten Artie will come to the sound of my voice and wait for me to pick him up. And that's the short list! There's more! We're going camping this weekend and I get to play in the woods and sleep next to my sweetie for the first time in a week (he's been sleeping with the Artie in the little bedroom). And two weeks from now we're (hopefully) going to Montana. Yay!
It has been a stressful month though--my job should be ending before we go to MT and I don't have a new one lined up yet...and I haven't applied to school for the Fall yet. So I'm poor, directionless, and have an uncertain future. But I gots a nice home and sweetboy, and two babycats, and good friends and family. So things will work out, I know, cuz I've got my fingers crossed. :-)
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