Wednesday, June 18

Recently Completed Book Archive

The Year of Living Biblically--A.J. Jacobs (This was an awesome book, and I definately recommend it for almost everyone I know...It's a great exploration of [primarily] the Old Testament by a secular OCD guy who writes for Esquire. Good Stuff, and I will definately be adding his other book [about reading the entire Encylopedia Brittanica] to my library list 6/18)

Dragon Rider--Cornelia Funke, audiobook (This got me through the better part of the blue sweater I'm knitting, three frogged versions of the Smock-A-Ruche scarf, and lots of doodles. Cornelia Funke is definately one of the best 'kids' writers out there, in my opinion, though I wouldn't give most of her stuff to the under age 10 group. I thought this was not -quite- as good as the InkHeart series, but it's still fabulous. 6/14)

The World without Us--Alan Weisman (I really, really, really wish I had started to read this book before it was due back at the library. I started it the day before it was due...and ended up having to pay a couple dollars to even get the first chapter read. But it's an awesome book, so I'm sure I'll come back to it someday to finish it. 6/1)

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