Wednesday, May 27

Recently Completed Books Archive

Damar 2: The Hero's Crown -- Robin McKinley (The protagonist for this story was a bit easier to empathize with, and I loved the way McKinley wrote so meticulously in this story. Also, it didn't hurt that the female hero got to kill a dragon. Yay for female dragon slayers! 5/3)

Damar 1: The Blue Sword -- Robin McKinley (I'm almost done with my Robin McKinley phase, I swear. I liked the plot of the book, but I couldn't really get into the characters. Worth reading, but not worth purchasing. 4/28)

Weekend Sewing -- Heather Ross (The pictures in this book are really pretty. The blog tours that she did were neat too--all the pics of clothes people made using her patterns look awesome too. However, I have made nothing from this book so far. Why? 90% of the patterns are only sized to about a women's 12. Also, all the patterns are printed on two (2!) sheets of humongous thick paper, right on top of each other. The little note in the legend says to take them to a copystore. This book makes me sad that I bought it. 4/25)

When You Are Engulfed In Flames -- David Sedaris (David Sedaris is a funny, funny man. I've never seen him live/in person, or even via video. I'm hoping he lives up to his voice and his way of talking about himself when I finally do get to go seem him perform live. Someday. These are funny funny stories. Mostly I think I love when he talks about his awkward childhood and his disfunctional family, since on both accounts I can highly relate. Since I've been rationing myself, I'm not quite done with this set. My favorite so far has to be the undewear/french hospital story. Good Stuff. 4/18)

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